Update: FaceSmash on the App Store and Android Market

May 15, 2011
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May 15, 2011

Steve Sigler

Lever­ag­ing our suc­cess­ful Pic­tur­izr pho­to manip­u­la­tion plat­form we cre­at­ed a fun social game allow­ing friends to chal­lenge each oth­er through a face smash­ing mobile app.  The app allows you to take a pho­to and using the touch screen com­bined with the shake ges­ture of the iPhone to launch punch­es caus­ing var­i­ous image dis­tor­tion effects. Face smash­ing effects depend on how fast you swipe your fin­gers across the screen and how hard you shake the phone.
We spent some time think­ing through how to best inte­grate with Face­book. The app allows you to look up all your Face­book pho­tos and also browse your friend list so you can use their pro­file pic­tures and even pho­tos they are tagged in. We want­ed to real­ly max­i­mize the social inte­gra­tion of the app.
Once you’ve smashed your friend’s Face­book pro­file pho­to you can eas­i­ly repost the pho­to back on Face­book chal­leng­ing them to a FaceS­mash Bat­tle. We want­ed to cre­ate a game like atmos­phere with the FaceS­mash Bat­tle by giv­ing you 15 sec­onds to smash and score points that you use to chal­lenge your friend to see who can score the high­est score FaceS­mash­ing. Ulti­mate­ly, the goal is to strike at the heart of Face­book and get friends to start smash­ing each oth­er sil­ly spread­ing viral­ly across online community.
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