Is Apple’s “Screen Time” late to the game? Ask WebSafety…

June 6, 2018
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June 6, 2018

Eric Wise

WWDC 2018: Apple announces new fea­tures to help users man­age screen time usage on their iOS devices.
Apple is late to this game (inten­tion­al­ly?), as ISBX has been work­ing along­side our Partner/Client Web­Safe­ty for the past 5 years to devel­op and main­tain a solu­tion for par­ents to not only man­age screen time, but also social media posts, web brows­ing, installed apps, loca­tion track­ing, and more!
Apple has not made this an easy task. They seem to throw a curve­ball at us mak­ing our job a lit­tle more dif­fi­cult with each OS update. How­ev­er, we have a ded­i­cat­ed team work­ing tire­less­ly to keep this impor­tant offer avail­able to con­cerned parents.
With kids get­ting phones as ear­ly as 9 years old, as a par­ent, would­n’t it make good sense to know how your child is inter­act­ing with the dig­i­tal world? Would you buy them a car with­out teach­ing them how to dri­ve first?
Here is a great video pro­duced by the team at WebSafety.
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