Product Launch

Hundreds of Projects Launched!

We’ve launched over 250 apps and web­sites for clients all over the world — Unit­ed States, Cana­da, Latin Amer­i­ca, South East Asia, Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates (UAE), Chi­na, to name a few. We under­stand the rules in these local­i­ties as well as terms and con­di­tions for the var­i­ous App mar­ket­places such as Apple’s iTunes App Store, Google Play for Android, Ama­zon’s App­Store, Chrome Web Store, and many oth­er local App dis­tri­b­u­tion channels.
Some of the strin­gent App mar­ket­places such as Apple’s iTunes App Store require knowl­edge of the “dos” and “don’ts” relat­ed to the use of Apple’s iOS SDK and how to maneu­ver the App Review process. Your App maybe stuck in the App Review process if you don’t adhere to Apple’s App sub­mis­sion poli­cies and human inter­face guide­lines. We can help you get through the App Review process fast and painless.

Enterprise App Distribution

Many of our clients cre­ate apps and web­sites for improv­ing their cur­rent work­force and enhanc­ing their cur­rent busi­ness offer­ing. If you are look­ing for a pri­vate dis­tri­b­u­tion or lim­it­ed dis­tri­b­u­tion of your app we can help with that as well. With an inter­nal or semi-exter­­nal device role out requires a Mobile Device Man­age­ment (MDM) sys­tem that can pro­vide app dis­tri­b­u­tion sup­port and licens­ing poli­cies to auto­mate app installs and con­trol who has access to your app or website.

Optimizing Your App in the Cloud

Gone are the old days of need­ing to deploy your own servers and deal­ing with host­ing providers and co-locat­ed facil­i­ties. We can help you scale up your back­end infra­struc­ture and deploy your appli­ca­tion in the cloud. We have exten­sive expe­ri­ence with Ama­zon Web Ser­vices (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google App Engine to launch your web­site, web ser­vices, or cloud based appli­ca­tion. There are sev­er­al ways to get your App and web­site to scale.

Scaling to Fit Your Needs

The first approach is in the ini­tial design phase of the App to archi­tect your web­site and web ser­vices for scal­a­bil­i­ty. We work close­ly with you to deter­mine busi­ness require­ments and based on those spec­i­fi­ca­tions we can design a cloud solu­tion where we can scale up or down depend­ing on your busi­ness needs to man­age host­ing and main­te­nance costs. In today’s cloud host­ing mod­els we can, with a press of a but­ton, scale up net­work band­width, serv­er stor­age, and data pro­cess­ing for your application.
The sec­ond approach, if you already have an exist­ing web­site or cloud host­ed appli­ca­tion, and are look­ing to scale up your infra­struc­ture, there are sev­er­al options. We will first eval­u­ate your sys­tem and rec­om­mend ways to ver­ti­cal­ly scale up sys­tem resources like band­width, mem­o­ry usage, and CPU pro­cess­ing. We have expe­ri­ence with clus­ter­ing to allow for max­i­mum uptime as well as imple­ment­ing com­plex load bal­anc­ing. If you have an exist­ing sys­tem and are look­ing for a scal­a­bil­i­ty solu­tion, we would be glad to talk to you about how we can help.

Collaborate with us

Ready to discuss your project? Please fill out the basics in the form below to get in touch with us. We would love to hear from you! If you don’t like filling out forms just send an email to to start discussing your project with our team!

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