Cowboys & Aliens: The Kids Storybook App

July 29, 2011
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July 29, 2011

Eric Wise

ISBX recent took on the chal­lenge to help Plat­inum Stu­dios and Orbit Media Group and Hub4Content bring their vision for the “Cow­boys and Aliens – The Kids” to life as a high­ly inter­ac­tive and ani­mat­ed Appli­ca­tion experience. 
ISBX cre­at­ed a fea­ture-rich enter­tain­ing and edu­ca­tion­al App Book that pro­vides chil­dren with an engross­ing and immer­sive per­son­al­ized expe­ri­ence of col­or, sights, sounds and wonder.
It fea­tures edu­ca­tion­al and fun activ­i­ties such as indi­vid­u­al­ized nar­ra­tion, “learn to read” fea­tures, col­or­ing and paint­ing, ani­ma­tion and image manip­u­la­tion (that lever­ages ISBX’s Pic­tur­izr plat­form) through­out a sto­ry­line that encour­ages friend­ship through shar­ing, and make sure to find all the hid­den sur­pris­es by click­ing around on every page.
We plan on launch­ing the Android ver­sion of the appli­ca­tion in Sep­tem­ber just in time for back to school as and fun and engag­ing edu­ca­tion­al tool for par­ents and teacher alike.
Orbit Media Group, whom ISBX devel­oped the appli­ca­tion for has  announced a part­ner­ship with glob­al char­i­ty Starlight Chil­dren’s Foun­da­tion, where­by Orbit will make a dona­tion from each sale of Orbit’s new inter­ac­tive chil­dren’s sto­ry­book App “Cow­boys & Aliens: The Kids” to the Starlight Foun­da­tion.  ISBX is very proud of our work on this project as well as the asso­ci­a­tion with Orbit Media Group and Starlight.
 To sup­port this char­i­ta­ble pro­gram, ISBX has donat­ed its ser­vices to Orbit Media Group to devel­op the micro-site to sup­port the appli­ca­tion for this very impor­tant endeav­or.  See it here, and buy the appli­ca­tion to help the Starlight foundation.
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