ISBX Acquires Couponbar to Expand Mobile and Web Monetization Solutions

January 15, 2013
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January 15, 2013

Eric Wise

We are excit­ed to announce that our acqui­si­tion of Coupon­bar offi­cial­ly closed on Jan­u­ary 15, 2013. Coupon­bar will oper­ate as a sep­a­rate team under our prod­uct divi­sion, Sier­ra Labs, Inc. and the ser­vice will be renamed ISBX Coupons in the com­ing weeks to reflect the busi­ness’ grow­ing mar­ket lead­er­ship in the B2B seg­ment. We’ve had a long work­ing rela­tion­ship with Coupon­bar and have watched them grow their busi­ness at an impres­sive pace over the last few years. The team has devel­oped an invalu­able set of data man­age­ment, data cura­tion, machine learn­ing, and data aggre­ga­tion tech­nolo­gies to pow­er their web ser­vice. We could­n’t be more impressed with the tremen­dous indi­vid­u­als at Coupon­bar and are excit­ed to wel­come the entire team to the ISBX fam­i­ly. Over the next few months, Coupon­bar will be expand­ing its team to sup­port new prod­uct ini­tia­tives and its grow­ing part­ner ecosys­tem.    Coupon­bar offers a web ser­vice that deliv­ers coupon noti­fi­ca­tions to users with­in their web brows­er in real-time, for the site they are shop­ping on. Their solu­tions help device mak­ers, web pub­lish­ers, and devel­op­ers mon­e­tize their end-users. We believe that Coupon­bar’s prod­uct roadmap is a great fit with the long term vision of Sier­ra Labs. We see tremen­dous growth oppor­tu­ni­ty for Coupon­bar and look for­ward to sup­port­ing the team in their quest to become an indis­pens­able part of every con­sumer’s online and mobile shop­ping experience.
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