ISBX focus on Education

November 26, 2012
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November 26, 2012

Kelly Chu

This past year, ISBX had oppor­tu­ni­ties to build and launch edu­ca­tion­al apps that will enhance the way we learn, think and do things on a glob­al lev­el. One such recent­ly launched edu­ca­tion­al app is the SPARKvue HD iPad and Android Tablet App (“SPARKvue HD”) for PASCO scientific.
PASCO is the lead­ing glob­al expert in sci­ence edu­ca­tion. For almost 50 years, PASCO has been design­ing, devel­op­ing, and sup­port­ing inno­va­tion edu­ca­tion tech­nol­o­gy solu­tion for pri­ma­ry, sec­ondary, and uni­ver­si­ty lev­el sci­ence. The objec­tive of the ISBX PASCO project was to take PASCO’s SPARKvue Win­dows and Mac desk­top appli­ca­tion and cre­ate Android Tablet and iPad ver­sions with the same set of fea­tures. The port of the appli­ca­tion to Android Tablets and iPad devices allows PASCO to enter into an emerg­ing tablet-focused edu­ca­tion mar­ket. Schools all around the world are quick­ly adopt­ing tablets as learn­ing devices in class­room set­tings. The SPARKvue HD com­bined with any of PASCO’s 70+ PASPORT sen­sors allows seam­less inte­gra­tion into the teach­ing and learn­ing expe­ri­ence. The SPARKvue HD comes bun­dled with 61 free SPARK­lab inter­ac­tive learn­ing activ­i­ties that inte­grate rich con­tent with live data col­lec­tion and analy­sis per­fect for Biol­o­gy, Chem­istry, and Physics class­es. Tran­scend­ing the App from lan­guage bar­ri­ers and mak­ing it tru­ly glob­al, it boasts sup­port in 24 dif­fer­ent lan­guages, enabling PASCO to tar­get all of its major glob­al mar­kets with cur­rent distribution.
PASCO part­nered with ISBX to devel­op and build the appli­ca­tion because of ISBX’s exper­tise in the mobile devel­op­ment field which would bring inno­v­a­tive solu­tions in the chal­lenge of con­vert­ing a Win­dows and Mac desk­top appli­ca­tion so that it func­tions cor­rect­ly on an iOS and Android device. Both iOS and Android SDKs place restric­tions on not only what you can do with­in your appli­ca­tion but also against what exter­nal devices you can con­nect to. For exam­ple, inte­gra­tion with over 70 PASPORT sen­sors required sig­nif­i­cant engi­neer­ing and plat­form spe­cif­ic devel­op­ment to make the sen­sors com­pat­i­ble on Android and iOS devices via Bluetooth.
Since launch­ing the SPARKvue App for iOS and Android, PASCO has received over­whelm­ing pos­i­tive respons­es set­ting itself apart from its com­peti­tors as a lead­ing effort at the fore­front of cre­at­ing inno­v­a­tive solu­tions, con­nect­ing the world of sci­ence edu­ca­tion with mod­ern technologies.
Cur­rent­ly, PASCO and ISBX are work­ing togeth­er on the next ver­sion of the SPARKvue App where­in the appli­ca­tion is being built from the ground up for Mac, Win­dows 7 and 8, iOS, Android, and the web. We are also mak­ing con­sid­er­able progress in redesign­ing the user inter­face and enhanc­ing the SPARK­labs to pro­vide an all new set of inter­ac­tive fea­tures, allow­ing con­tent authors and pub­lish­ers to cre­ate mod­ern and engag­ing learn­ing activ­i­ties for students.
This is just the begin­ning of the part­ner­ship between ISBX and PASCO. We look for­ward to work­ing togeth­er to enhance the way stu­dents learn in and out of the classroom. 
Down­load the app from iTunes App Store or Google Play
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