ISBX introduces the newest Build-A-Card app : St. Patrick’s Day Edition!

February 22, 2011
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February 22, 2011

Steve Sigler

St. Patrick­’s Day is draw­ing near, and just in time to help you cel­e­brate, ISBX is releas­ing the St. Patrick­’s Day edi­tion of its Build-a-Card line of iPhone and iPad apps. Dec­o­rate pic­tures tak­en with your iPhone’s cam­era, down­loaded from Face­book, or from your Pho­to Albums with St. Patrick­’s Day themed over­lays and frames. Then, share your work of art with your friends via Face­book or Email.
The iPhone / iPod Touch ver­sion of the St. Patrick­’s Day Build-a-Card app is only $0.99, and the HD iPad ver­sion is $1.99. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this app won’t be able to guar­an­tee that you will find a pot of gold at the end of the rain­bow, but it CAN pro­vide you with lots of fun ways to spread the joy of St. Patrick­’s Day. You nev­er know, shar­ing your dec­o­rat­ed pho­tos might even give you a bet­ter chance of win­ning a smooch than a “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” sign.
What are you wait­ing for? Down­load the Build-a-Card : St. Patrick­’s Day Edi­tion today!
ISBX is a web and mobile appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment agency based in Los Ange­les, Cal­i­for­nia and serves major enter­tain­ment brands as well as small to enter­prise lev­el businesses.
ISBX also research­es and devel­ops pro­pri­etary mobile tech­nol­o­gy for licensed use, and devel­ops it’s own library of mobile applications.
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