ISBX Partners with Science37 on Providing Remote Clinical Trials as a Service

August 17, 2016
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August 17, 2016

Steve Sigler

ISBX is work­ing close­ly with the folks at Science37 to devel­op an end-to-end research tri­al solu­tion for large phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal spon­sors, med­ical device mak­ers, biotech com­pa­nies, and uni­ver­si­ties. The sys­tem named NORA (Net­work-Ori­ent­ed Research Assis­tant) is a plat­form that helps patients con­nect with top med­ical researchers and take part in clin­i­cal inves­ti­ga­tions. One of NORA’s many abil­i­ties is to con­nect med­ical researchers/administrators with patients world­wide. Med­ical researchers and admin­is­tra­tors will login and man­age their clin­i­cal tri­als remote­ly through a secure web por­tal. Patients will access NORA on their mobile phone to get noti­fi­ca­tions, reminders, and sched­uled tasks as they par­tic­i­pate in the clin­i­cal tri­al and record expe­ri­ences real time when­ev­er and wher­ev­er. Via the NORA app and web por­tal med­ical researchers and patients can com­mu­ni­cate over voice, video, and elec­tron­ic doc­u­ment exchange.
Tra­di­tion­al­ly, clin­i­cal tri­als are expen­sive and lim­it­ed in scope as they are con­duct­ed in a region­al or small­er set­ting to keep costs down. This, how­ev­er, leads to less diverse patients. Science37 seeks to improve the tra­di­tion­al clin­i­cal tri­al approach by allow­ing patients to enroll remote­ly and through the use of mobile tech­nol­o­gy and elec­tron­ic doc­u­ment man­age­ment to safe­ly con­duct clin­i­cal tri­als world­wide regard­less of loca­tion. The ulti­mate result is low­er cost per tri­al, but also increased accu­ra­cy in data gath­ered per patient.
When it comes to design­ing a patient cen­tric mobile app, our team of design­ers at ISBX has to think about the User Expe­ri­ence (UX) of the audi­ence. Patients can range from all ages. The app needs to be sim­ple, yet pro­vide the abil­i­ty to ensure patients are stay­ing on top of their tri­al sched­uled events. The app also includes the abil­i­ty to pro­vide secure video chat with the med­ical researchers as well as allow onsite nurs­es to login and pro­vide more detailed eval­u­a­tion and site ques­tion­naires. Dur­ing the whole process, the NORA mobile app pro­vides a guid­ed expe­ri­ence for the patient through the entire clin­i­cal trial.
The NORA Web Por­tal allows med­ical researchers and admin­is­tra­tors the abil­i­ty to design a clin­i­cal tri­al from con­cept through imple­men­ta­tion. The web por­tal pro­vides tools to design forms, ques­tion­naires, and sched­uled events for a clin­i­cal tri­al. Patients are enrolled and qual­i­fied through the sys­tem and all doc­u­ments, elec­tron­ic or hard­copies are man­aged and tracked as well. Tri­al spon­sors and appoint­ed mon­i­tors can access the sys­tem to mon­i­tor the tri­al at any­time. The NORA plat­form allows for full account­abil­i­ty and oversight.
On a per­son­al note, here at ISBX, we love work­ing on ideas that impact the world and dis­rupts tra­di­tion­al busi­ness mod­els. Work­ing with Science37 has been amaz­ing. We look for­ward to our con­tin­ued devel­op­ment in evolv­ing NORA into a smarter and refined sys­tem that will facil­i­tate remote clin­i­cal tri­als lead­ing to world chang­ing outcomes.
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