ISBX unique and disruptive back office outsourcing services

July 22, 2014
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July 22, 2014

Manny Palafox

ISBX has been offer­ing back office ser­vices since we launched the com­pa­ny. It’s a ser­vice we offer that does­n’t get much of the lime­light, but has been a crit­i­cal part of our busi­ness since day one. In all of the web­sites and apps we have cre­at­ed there’s always a need for ongo­ing main­te­nance, mar­ket­ing, and mod­er­a­tion. Back office sup­port is a nat­ur­al exten­sion of our ser­vice offer­ing. More recent­ly, the back office divi­sion of our com­pa­ny has tak­en on a life of its own and we start­ed pro­vid­ing back office out­sourc­ing ser­vices as a stand­alone prod­uct. We dif­fer­en­ti­ate our back office ser­vices by pric­ing our ser­vices based on what we accom­plish ver­sus our com­peti­tors who charge on an hourly bases.
A brief history of our back office services
Near­ly 11 years ago on July 31, 2003, Intel­li­Minds, Inc. (IM) opened for busi­ness, a world-class provider of out­sourc­ing solu­tions for cost-con­scious busi­ness­es. With its head­quar­ters in Los Ange­les and satel­lite office in Mani­la, Intel­li­Minds lever­aged its glob­al busi­ness net­work and vision­ary method­ol­o­gy in deliv­er­ing intel­li­gent-busi­ness dri­ven and cost effec­tive solu­tions. Intel­li­Minds earned a rep­u­ta­tion of being a pio­neer in the indus­try, and quick­ly became the pre­ferred ven­dor and the online mar­ket­ing exe­cu­tion arm for many rep­utable agen­cies in cities like Los Ange­les, San Fran­cis­co, New York, Cana­da and Singapore.
Intel­li­Minds, launched many online mar­ket­ing and pro­mo­tion­al cam­paigns for both small mom and pop shops to large for­tune 500 brands like: Nes­tle, UFC, Amer­i­can Idol, Car­l’s Jr, TV Guide and Glas­co­SmithK­line (GSK) just to name a few.
Like the Inter­net, Intel­li­Minds has evolved and matured through­out the years. In 2009, Intel­li­Minds became a divi­sion of ISBX, and as a result it expand­ed its ser­vice offer­ings, which includ­ed among oth­er things cus­tomer sup­port, search engine opti­miza­tion (SEO) and dig­i­tal asset man­age­ment and retouch­ing. These ser­vices were a nat­ur­al exten­sion of our web­site and app devel­op­ment division.
Back office as a standalone service offering
Since 2009 our back office sup­port ser­vices has evolved and we’ve tak­en on new and inter­est­ing projects unre­lat­ed to web­site and app devel­op­ment ser­vices. The fol­low­ing is a case study of a recent project that demon­strates the cal­iber and high qual­i­ty work our back office team provides.
July 2013, we signed on a new client to tran­scribe over 280 mil­lion lines of his­tor­i­cal records. The his­tor­i­cal records dat­ed back to the 1700 and 1800’s in which most of the data were hand­writ­ten in Old Eng­lish cur­sive for­mat. The style of the hand­writ­ing made the data unsuit­able for opti­cal char­ac­ter recog­ni­tion (OCR). The road has been paved with many obsta­cles and chal­lenges, but our high­ly skilled team of man­agers, qual­i­ty con­trol staff, and encoders were able to pull through and com­plete the project in a 10-month timeline.
One of our key dif­fer­en­tia­tors is our soft­ware devel­op­ment back­ground and exper­tise. Pri­or to the start of the project we built a cus­tom data entry sys­tem that was designed to increase speed and effi­cien­cy specif­i­cal­ly for this project. We built tools that would increase our data entry per­son­nel pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and accu­ra­cy by a fac­tor of ten (10). The sys­tem was able to sus­tain a staff of 500 con­cur­rent encoders at any giv­en time and scale up on as need­ed bases.
Staffing the project involved recruit­ment and train­ing of over 500+ agents and strate­giz­ing and metic­u­lous­ly devel­op­ing a stan­dard oper­at­ing pro­ce­dure (SOP) and mul­ti-lev­el qual­i­ty assur­ance (QA) process. From the start of the project we were able to main­tain an aver­age of 98% accu­ra­cy lev­el on the data being encod­ed. The clien­t’s QA staff close­ly mon­i­tored the accu­ra­cy lev­els on a week­ly basis.
The client picked our team for the tran­scrip­tion project because of our unique pric­ing mod­el, in which we charged on a fixed project bases and com­mit­ted to the 10-month time­frame. Oth­er com­pet­ing tran­scrip­tion agen­cies were pric­ing at an hourly bases and could not com­mit to the aggres­sive time­frame. These vari­able costs were not accept­able for the client giv­en the mas­sive under­tak­ing. By pro­vid­ing a per­for­mance based pric­ing mod­el we absorbed much of the risk on the project, which was a major fac­tor in the clien­t’s deci­sion to pick us for the job.
Disrupting the business process outsourcing (BPO) model
With our many suc­cess­es in the past and our more recent projects, we look for­ward to what the future has in store. Our unique approach towards back office ser­vices is allow­ing us to dis­rupt the tra­di­tion­al pric­ing mod­el for busi­ness process out­sourc­ing. We break the old and tired mold of pay­ing by the num­ber of peo­ple on an hourly basis. Our key dif­fer­en­tia­tor is that we are for­ward thinkers by offer­ing the unique propo­si­tion of “pay-for-per­for­mance” pric­ing mod­el. Sim­i­lar to near­ly 11 years ago when we were pio­neer­ing an indus­try, today we cel­e­brate the evo­lu­tion of an industry.
Check out more details about our back office ser­vices to learn more, and con­tact us at or call 310–437-8010. We’d love to hear about your back office needs and share with you how we can help.
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