Mobile Update July 2010

July 15, 2010
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July 15, 2010

Kelly Chu

Con­nec­tions are vital part of human inter­ac­tion.  Every day the aver­age per­son expe­ri­ences hun­dreds of con­nec­tions with oth­ers.  Some con­nec­tions may be pro­found, oth­ers casu­al, busi­ness relat­ed, and per­son­al.  In the end, these con­nec­tions shape who we are, and what oth­ers will become.  Con­nec­tions are at the core of the social species, “humans”.  
As the human species and tech­nol­o­gy progress, the com­mu­ni­ca­tion medi­um also evolves.  In a dig­i­tal world the aver­age per­son has few­er direct inter­ac­tions with peo­ple each day, as email, tex­ting, and social media have become the pre­ferred meth­ods for many to com­mu­ni­cate.  At the core of these con­nect­ed and dis­con­nect­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tions, the mobile phone.
“Per­haps these devices are chang­ing the notion of social­iz­ing,” says Zach Nel­son, CEO of Inter­net com­pa­ny Net­Suite.  “In my day, social­iz­ing was going out to a par­ty to meet peo­ple,” Nel­son says. “Now, social­iz­ing is tak­ing place via net­worked devices.”
The mobile phone mar­ket is grow­ing world­wide at a stag­ger­ing pace.  There were over one bil­lion cell phones sold in 2009, and that num­ber is expect­ed to expand in com­ing years.  Accord­ing to IDC, the Smart­phone seg­ment is pro­ject­ed to grow at 31% in 2010 and anoth­er 22% in 2011.  As this shift to smarter, high­er fea­tured hand held devices takes place, a change is tak­ing place in the way busi­ness is con­duct­ed as well.  ABI Research projects mobile mar­ket­ing and adver­tis­ing will exceed $1 bil­lion this year, and mobile retail sales will exceed $100 bil­lion by 2015.  The big ques­tion we hear at ISBX is, “Will our busi­ness be rel­e­vant in the mobile marketplace”.
The mobile device has become the cen­ter of many indi­vid­u­als uni­verse.  Ask your­self, when was the last time you left the house with­out your mobile phone?  As the func­tion­al­i­ty of mobile devices improve, they will become not just crit­i­cal to com­mu­ni­ca­tion but a neces­si­ty to man­age your life.  Great appli­ca­tions will be core to this shift, just as it was for the Per­son­al Computer.
At ISBX, we have designed a Pro­gres­sive Dig­i­tal Agency around assist­ing clients with man­ag­ing the evo­lu­tion of con­nec­tions in a chang­ing tech­nol­o­gy world.  A world linked by the web and mobile devices.  At our core, we design and build appli­ca­tions pro­vid­ing con­nec­tions over the web, to any device.  We also pro­vide advanced cre­ative, tech­nol­o­gy, and mar­ket­ing to improve the val­ue of your connections.
Pre­dic­tions from Gartner:
Mobile phones will over­take PCs as the most com­mon Web access devices world­wide by 2013, accord­ing to a new fore­cast by research firm Gart­ner. That’s an even more aggres­sive out­look than Mor­gan Stan­ley’s pro­jec­tion that the mobile Web will out­strip the desk­top Web in five years. 
Look­ing ahead to 2014, Gart­ner esti­mates that 3 bil­lion of the world’s adult pop­u­la­tion will be able to con­duct trans­ac­tions via mobile or Inter­net tech­nol­o­gy. “Cash trans­ac­tions will remain dom­i­nant in emerg­ing mar­kets by 2014, but the foun­da­tion for elec­tron­ic trans­ac­tions will be well under­way for much of the adult world,” accord­ing to the firm.
Gart­ner Iden­ti­fies the Top 10 Con­sumer Mobile Appli­ca­tions for 2012
  1. Mon­ey Transfer
  2. Loca­tion-Based Services
  3. Mobile Search
  4. Mobile Brows­ing
  5. Mobile Health Monitoring
  6. Mobile Pay­ment
  7. Near Field Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Services
  8. Mobile Adver­tis­ing
  9. Mobile Instant Messaging
  10. Mobile Music
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