Picturizer Platform Case Study

January 26, 2011
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January 26, 2011

Eric Wise

ISBX devel­oped iPhone Pho­to edit­ing plat­form ini­tial­ly for the iOS as a free appli­ca­tion to see how the pub­lic would respond. Once our clients saw what we could do we have been asked to use this under­ly­ing tech­nol­o­gy for a num­ber of projects for the likes of Warn­er Bros., CW Net­work, Turn­er, ABC Net­work and NBC. With this suc­cess, we then used the under­ly­ing tech­nol­o­gy to pro­duce mul­ti­ple Hol­i­day eCard appli­ca­tions with thou­sands of apps sold in days of the launch! Our user appar­ent­ly like what we have devel­oped, as this is not a use once and for­get about it appli­ca­tion, our report­ing shows that thou­sands of users are on the appli­ca­tion every day. We are not stop­ping there, as we will soon be releas­ing in-appli­ca­tion pur­chas­es of new assets for our users as well through our cus­tom CMS we devel­oped for our Pic­tur­iz­er Plat­form. ISBX’s under­ly­ing Pic­tur­iz­er plat­form tech­nol­o­gy is cur­rent­ly pow­er­ing rough­ly 500,000 appli­ca­tions across iPhone, iPad, Android and Black­ber­ry oper­at­ing sys­tems that ISBX has cre­at­ed. About Pic­tur­iz­er Pic­tur­izr is a pho­to edit­ing tool that allows you to cre­ate fun and wacky ren­di­tions of your friend or foes by using our cus­tom over­lays! Pic­tur­izr works like a sim­ple pho­to­shop tool to allow users to add, scale and rotate cus­tom eyes, ears, noses, eye­brows, hair, mouths, glass­es, hats, beards, and frames to photos.
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