ISBX Exhibits at TechDay, Los Angeles 2017

September 14, 2017
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September 14, 2017

Arthur Iinuma

In its 2nd year going, ISBX has once again, par­tic­i­pat­ed as an exhibitor at Tech­Day, LA 2017. This year the event was, once again, host­ed at the Reef in down­town Los Angeles.
This year opened up to a full house, show­cas­ing an impres­sive num­ber of ear­ly star­tups, demon­strat­ing an impres­sive growth in Sil­i­con Beach. In fact this year was dif­fer­ent that the pre­vi­ous, where there were a lot more star­tups and a lot less big­ger com­pa­nies. We also saw a num­ber of the new­er trends in tech, such as blockchain, aug­ment­ed real­i­ty and drone automation.
One of ISBX’s clients, Sci­ence 37, was also a two-time par­tic­i­pant in Tech­Day, demon­strat­ing advance­ments they’ve made in the field of clin­i­cal trials.
Absent were near­ly all of the com­pa­nies ISBX inter­viewed last year, some fair­ly suc­cess­ful, rais­ing cap­i­tal from some of the who’s who in ven­ture cap­i­tal space.
We met a lot of great peo­ple, from entre­pre­neurs, employ­ees and prospec­tive devel­op­ers. We appre­ci­ate every­one who stopped by our booth to come check us out. ISBX is a long time play­er in the app devel­op­ment space – just as far back as 2012, we were one of the only app devel­op­ment com­pa­nies show­cas­ing our works at major events such as SXSW and CTIA. Today there are a num­ber of great com­pa­nies com­pet­ing in the space.
Check out our cov­er­age of Tech­Day 2016, where I’ve inter­viewed a num­ber of very promis­ing star­tups to learn more about what makes Sil­i­con Beach one of the fastest grow­ing tech hubs in the nation.
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