Taunt Battleworld



Taunt Bat­tle­world is a retro gam­ing plat­form that offers a unique and immer­sive gam­ing expe­ri­ence. It allows play­ers to engage in com­pet­i­tive bat­tles with their favorite video game char­ac­ters. With the Gen­e­sis Skull Pass NFT, play­ers gain ear­ly access to the plat­form and own­er­ship of exclu­sive video game char­ac­ter NFTs. Taunt Bat­tle­world sets itself apart by com­bin­ing retro gam­ing nos­tal­gia with the inno­v­a­tive fea­tures of blockchain tech­nol­o­gy, cre­at­ing a cap­ti­vat­ing gam­ing uni­verse for enthusiasts.

Services Provided


Polygon Network

Smart Contract










ISBX was hired by Turnt Gam­ing for their retro gam­ing plat­form, Taunt Bat­tle­world, to launch their Gen­e­sis Skull Pass NFT, which would allow ear­ly access to their gam­ing plat­form and own­er­ship in their video game char­ac­ter NFTs, which would be air­dropped to all Skull Pass NFT holders.


ISBX devel­oped the Skull Pass NFT Smart Con­tract to deploy on the Ethereum net­work along with the land­ing page for gamers to con­nect their cryp­to wal­lets and pur­chase the Skull Pass NFTs. The Smart Con­tract fea­tured a white list at launch so that cer­tain gamers could get pri­or­i­ty pre­vent­ing bot attacks. Upon mint­ing a Skull Pass NFT gamers would get access to the NFT via OpenSea and be able to sell/trade them on the OpenSea platform.
A month after the Skull Pass NFT sale, ISBX air­dropped Skull Pass hold­ers with ran­dom­ized Taunt Bat­tle­world char­ac­ters via the Poly­gon Network.

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Project Budget