

Beauty products personal concierge

L’Oreal need­ed a plat­form to give celebri­ties beau­ty prod­ucts in exchange for men­tions on Social Media.

Services Provided

User Experience

UI Design

App Development





Create an app for the Grammys

A com­pa­ny like L’Oreal could just send box­es and box­es out, but how does the celebri­ties staff eas­i­ly select what is right for the celebri­ties par­tic­u­lar skin type, hair, etc?
L’Oréal Beauté Concierge
Exclu­sive Access. Invi­ta­tion Only.
The Ulti­mate in Beauté


ISBX devel­oped L’Oréal a cus­tom appli­ca­tion (“Beauté Concierge”) designed for an Android tablet to be hand­ed out to A‑list celebri­ties as a per­son­al concierge for L’Oreal’s suite of beau­ty products.
The cat­a­log appli­ca­tion includ­ed over 800 dif­fer­ent SKUs in a with social media shar­ing and an inte­grat­ed points rewards system.
The user’s con­tact infor­ma­tion is stored and allows for instant order ful­fill­ment through inte­gra­tion of an ISBX-devel­oped CMS and free-com­merce solution.

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