

Smarter education with technology

PASCO has been cre­at­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing award-win­ning, hands-on sci­ence edu­ca­tion tools and dat­a­log­ging solu­tions since 1964. ISBX was tasked with devel­op­ing a Web and Mobile plat­form that would take them from a pro­pri­etary tablet to being able to use the PASCO edu­ca­tion sen­sors and soft­ware on any device brought into the classroom.

Services Provided

User Experience

UI Design

App Development






Make learning more fun and interesting

PASCO Sci­en­tif­ic, found­ed over 50 years ago, is the glob­al leader in sci­ence learn­ing edu­ca­tion tech­nol­o­gy. It embarked on an ambi­tious project: to rede­vel­op its exist­ing sci­ence learn­ing appli­ca­tion from the ground up, to scale across mobile, tablet and desk­top envi­ron­ments, with the hopes of pos­i­tive­ly impact­ing the max­i­mum num­ber of edu­ca­tors, insti­tu­tions and their students.


ISBX devel­oped the SPARKvue app for iOS, Android and Win­dows tablets, Chrome­book porta­bles, plus Mac, Win­dows, and Lin­ux desk­tops. By uti­liz­ing a hybrid HTML5/native devel­op­ment envi­ron­ment they were able to com­plete this build in record time.
The appli­ca­tion receives data from sen­sors via Blue­tooth, Wi-Fi and USB con­nec­tions at over 1hz/second. Over 80 exter­nal sen­sors are sup­port­ed in the sys­tem sys­tem to mea­sure data such as motion, PH, wind speed, force, and many others.
SPARKvue is used in 165 coun­tries and local­ized in 28 lan­guages. ISBX won the award for Best Edu­ca­tion App at the Los Ange­les App Devel­op­ers Con­fer­ence for our work on this platform.

Collaborate with us

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