Testing & QA

Delivering Quality Work

We pride our­selves in deliv­er­ing qual­i­ty work. We have had numer­ous clients hire us for Qual­i­ty Assur­ance (QA) ser­vices; for exam­ple Four Sea­sons Resorts hired us to fix their mobile apps because the devel­op­ers they hired built a bug­gy App for them. It’s not just about hav­ing a great team of soft­ware devel­op­ers, but about a qual­i­ty assur­ance process that allows for ade­quate test­ing across real devices and user scenarios.
In our offices we have smart­phones, tablets, and lap­tops from all the major man­u­fac­tur­ers and brands. We stage our test­ing across mul­ti­ple phas­es start­ing with the most pop­u­lar and wide­ly used devices in the mar­ket. For test­ing demo­graphics and loca­tion spe­cif­ic devices we uti­lize DeviceAny­where, which pro­vides access to phys­i­cal devices in remote loca­tions around the world. We can load the App or web­site onto these devices for testing.

Preventing Device Fragmentation

We live in a world where there are con­stant technol­o­gy inno­va­tions and fre­quent iter­a­tions on new hard­ware devices. To date, we have tracked over 800+ unique Android Smart­phone mod­els on the mar­ket run­ning the apps we built for our clients. Test­ing on each and every one of these device mod­els would be a super­hu­man feat to accom­plish. We have ana­lyzed the list of avail­able device mod­els and group them into unique cat­e­gories and then auto­mate test­ing across these devices through automa­tion tools that we have built in house.
Our soft­ware devel­op­ers write cross-plat­­form unit tests that allow auto­mat­ed test­ing across mul­ti­ple devices such as iPhones, iPads, Android, Chrome­books, etc. We can then repeat these tests as we make changes in the mobile App and web­site. These tests help catch regres­sion bugs and applica­tion crash­es so you can have peace of mind that your prod­uct is in a good shape for launch.

Web Browser Testing and Automation

When it comes to web­site devel­op­ment and test­ing across Inter­net Explor­er, Fire­fox, Google Chrome, and Safari across Mac and Win­dows oper­a­tion sys­tems, we run auto­mat­ed unit tests on actu­al web browsers. Using Sele­ni­um web dri­ver, our team can quick­ly test web­sites across dif­fer­ent brows­er ver­sions across many dif­fer­ent devices. Our test­ing plat­form allows for record­ing of screen­shots from a test and com­par­ing with an expect­ed out­come to locate user inter­face for­mat­ting and lay­out errors.

Ongoing Maintenance and Support

Qual­i­ty con­trol is an ongo­ing process. Each year we see new hard­ware devices, oper­at­ing sys­tem upgrades, and web brows­er updates that require con­tin­u­ous inte­gra­tion and App updates. We like to work with our clients to deter­mine an ongo­ing main­te­nance and sup­port plan to make sure their prod­uct con­tin­ues to flour­ish and stay rel­e­vant in the ever chang­ing mobile and web.

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